Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Food Glorious Food

I have to say, France is living up to it's stereotypes in many ways. Everyone walking around with a baguette, watching the world from little cafes with coffee and hand rolled cigarettes, mercedes-benz taxis and lovers everywhere. In the past week I've been to Lyon and the great metropolis, Paris. I was pleasantly suprised with Lyon, a small but very charming city known for the food. My latest addiction is macarons, not to be confused with macaroons, the chocolate and coconut cookies. Macarons are meringue based with a thin egg shell-like exterior and a velvety creamy middle. They are delicate and airy and I love them so. I can't walk by a patisserie with out buying one of these delectable little confections. My favorites are lavender and raspberry. They are even sold at McDonalds here. I've been buying vegetables at the outdoor markets and making simple stirfries to balance my macaron love affair. The ice cream places beckon me with the word "glacier". I love that word on a hot sunny day. Just talking about glaciers in science class would make die of thirst. I am not normally an ice cream fiend but Europe has the creamiest ice cream and I cannnot deny it. Speculoos is another guilty pleasure of mine that I hope I can find in New York but then again maybe not. It is a biscuit spread thqt is a hybrid of peanut butter and nutella. Just a mere glance at the jar makes my mouth water. I also went to a sri lanka restaurant and the best chai tea I've ever had. It's actually really fun to order food and have no idea what willcome out of the kitchen. I think I shall do it more often.
I met another guy named Francois who was staying at the hostel in Lyon. He was new to the area and looking for an apartment, so I helped him find a place. It was really fun looking at all these old apartments and gave me an opportunity to see parts of the city I wouldn't have found on my own. Lyon is a great place to shop. If I were in the position, I could have some major damage there. Cheap english books are hard to come by, but I went to a bookstore while in Lyon and they had a little shelf with english books in the back. The universe practically put Dracula in my hands, it was only one euro and forty cents. I am not jumping on the vampire bandwagon, this book is phenominal and I can't put it down.
What can I say about Paris that hasn't already been said? I stayed with my friend Phillipe that I met while he was working in New York, it was really good to see a familiar face. He had to work so I went out and saw the sights on my own. I spent about four hours in the Louvre, but one could spend nearly two days. I saw the Mona Lisa, Venus and the crown of Louis XV to name a few. The Mona Lisa is a very powerful piece of art. It is the most famous painting in the world and you can feel that when approaching her. There are so many people gathered around to see the mysterious smirk. I feel so fortunate to have seen this enigma in person. I also went to Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomph, Jardin du Luxembourg and Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise and they are all touristy for a reason. For when I saw the Eiffel Tower, I nearly wept. I laid in the grass and ate my baguette and fruit. I was in my glory. I also saw Jim Morrisons grave and Proust as well. It's a bit morbid but I love cemetaries and all the art work on the tombstones. I also found some hidden gems thanks to a local giving me advice. I found some lovely gardens, an oudoor roman theater and some other places most tourists don't have the opportunity to see. Paris has exceeded my expectations and I will surely return someday. Le monde est beau. Paris: Je t'aime.

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