Dear New York,
How I miss you so. Forgive me for ever doubting you, for surely I will return and is where I shall dwell. Remember our younger days when I was but a girl? You seduced me and beckoned me to the island and I acquiesced. Intrigued I was by the diversity of humanity and powerful energy that looms about. Creating a hell of my very own, I accused you. I blamed the extreme weathers, the mighty winter and the scorching summer, my tiny Queens studio and meager wages. You stared me down, how you frightened me, but now we have a clandestine understanding. Only I am responsible for my mirth. How dare I blame my inertia on you? You've seen me at my weakest, ugliest and most beautiful. I've grown to love all of your idiosyncrasies, such as your Broadway beginning in the east and continuing on to the west. I've visited parks around the world only to leave me yearning for the footpaths of your Central Park. To know you is to love you New York, and I am certain that your concrete will rise to meet my feet upon my return and I will once again walk with ease through your labyrinth. Soon enough I will be at brunch in the West Village with my friends building castles in the sky. For there is no other place for me in this vast world.
Aww that was really lovely. I feel the same way :)